
People-Led Marketing

this isn't just a quirk, it's a necessity 💛

Taking risks. Pushing limits. Making an impact.

These are all things entrepreneurs are known for.

But one of the most important traits of being self-employed (whether you're a business owner, content creator, maker, or streamer) is adaptability.

Especially for those of us with low-energy (a.k.a. 'cosypreneurs')! 🥰

Being able to adapt (and adapt quickly) isn't just a quirk of being an entrepreneur, it's a necessity so that we can:

  • notice when an offer isn't selling as we'd hoped and tweak the messaging so it works whilst we're able to show up and promote
  • accept when we need to cut back on things so we can make space for rest & healing
  • shift priorities when our energy dips so we can avoid overexertion and still get shit done
  • and, altogether, handle the unexpected. 💛

One way I've had to adapt recently is with the group program I have been selling on the down-low!

I created a Google Doc outline for Black Friday Boost (a live round of my DIY mini-course) to help online business owners plan & prep their affiliates in the run up to BFCM weekend.

The offer included weekly trainings, weekly Voxer Office Hours with chances for feedback, ongoing Voxer access over BFCM weekend, and a pop-up Facebook group for peer support.

Over the past few weeks, I had been reaching out to past clients & close connections to gauge interest but I was coming up against some recurring hesitations:

  • they didn't know if they had the time to commit to weekly* live activities between now and Black Friday (*with plenty of weeks being buffer/creation weeks, I'm not a monster 🤣)
  • they weren't sure about investing $500 in a program when they weren't sure if they would make that back over Black Friday (which makes sense, it's so hard to stand out!)
  • they weren't sure if they even wanted to run a sale over Black Friday/Cyber Monday yet, but the deadline to join would have been tomorrow (Sept 6th) and they didn't have enough time to decide on their plans

I'd had two people sign up already but I wanted 5 at minimum if I was going to run it as it was. At the start of this week, this goal was looking more & more unlikely.

So, I took a step away from the idea and I thought about how I could change it to better suit the needs of the people I'd been talking to.

And, more importantly, how could I better suit my own needs. Was I reaaaaally up for creating weekly trainings all the way through to November?

Because I really want to see this through!

I restructured the offer so now:

  • the trainings come out in 'chunks' instead of weekly so it feels more self-paced and students are less likely to get 'left behind'.
    • This also allows me to batch my creation process and take breaks between each chunk!
  • Voxer access won't be weekly but there will still be plenty of chances to get feedback & advice from me!
    • This leaves me with weeks where I can take that extra day to rest.
  • people can join at any time between now and - heck - the week of Black Friday if they wanted to pull something together quickly (though I would recommend getting your sale planned as soon as possible!).
    • This also works for me as I can keep promoting Black Friday Boost through to November!
  • aaaand the price is slashed in half - $250 or 2x $150 to join - to better suit budgets and make the financial ROI even more likely!
    • And I'm happy with this change too! Honestly, the lower the price, the more likely I am to sell it, which gives me a boost of confidence, which impacts my ability to sell well!

After making these decisions, I edited the Google Doc and sent it around to everyone again. I've since had one more person join, one person say they are very likely to join, and two very promising maybes!

And that's all without emailing my list or even creating a sales page, so I'm considering this a successful pivot!! 🙌

As you already have access to Black Friday Boost, you'll get access to all the new trainings & templates in ThriveCart Learn - at no extra cost!

Aaand if you want to join the live round and get access to the Voxer office hours & pop-up Facebook group, you can join for only $100 - click 'reply' and let me know if you're interested in the extra accountability & support!

And a quick q for you: how are you adapting your business to better suit yours and your clients needs?

Have a magical day!
Zoe 💛

People-Led Marketing

I help online business owners get more leads, sales, and bookings through the recommendations & referrals. This means affiliate programs, client referral programs, and strategic partnership - but I like to call this People-Led Marketing. 🥰

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